kite row

On the beach – When a kiter is entering the water he/she has the advantage of passing in front of someone who is approaching the beach: the wind is usually more unstable over the land than over the sea; therefore, the person who manages the kite on the beach is in greater danger, and because of that has a priority.

Starboard (right side) – When kiters approach from the opposite directions the kiter who has the wind on the starboard (right side, right leg/arm leads in direction of travel) has right of way. The kiter who has the wind on the port side (left side, left leg/arm are leads in direction of travel) shall keep out of the way of the other, and in the most cases pass downwind of him.

Kite High Rule – The kiter who is upwind (closest to the wind) must keep their kite high to avoid their lines crossing those of downwind kiters. Similarly, the downwind kiter must keep their kite low to avoid their lines crossing upwind kites. This applies regardless of whether kiters are on the same, or opposing courses.

Jumping – The kiter at the jump must have a clear safety zone of at least 50m downwind because they move downwind during a jump. A rider must also have a clear safety zone of 30m upwind to jump as his lines could touch the kite or the lines of another kiteboarding rider close by.

Distance from the shore – Kiters should not be kiting near the beach or in the vicinity of swimmers, but at a safe distance from the shore.


kiting zone

– Red zone: Kiteboarding is not allowed in this zone. The zone is intended exclusively for bathers. Furthermore, kite launching and landing is not allowed inside the Red zone.

– Yellow zone: Intended exclusively for kiteboarding school, kiting is NOT allowed when kite school is in progress.

Outside of these zones kiteboarding is allowed.